Abstract Submission
The abstract submission for the GASL Annual Meeting has ended.
Further information on the abstract submission:
- Submission phase started on the 01st June 2023
- Deadline for submissions ended on the 01st November 2023
- Feedback on the evaluation phase of all abstracts will start in December
- Important:
Submitting an abstract does not automatically ceate a registration for the annual conference. We kindly ask you to register separately!
The abstract submission process includes five-steps:
1. Please enter the title and the topic of the abstract.
2. Please enter your abstract. The text must not exceed 250 words.
3. Please enter all authors and their contact details.
4. Confirm your submission details and complete the process.
5. Your submission has been completed. You will receive a confirmation email shortly afterwards.
The program committee is looking forward to receiving your abstracts.